Friday, October 30, 2015

Yoga Moves That Also Make Great X Positions

1. Knee-to-Ear Pose
This one is also known as the piledriver, and is a position where you can really get deep. Be careful with your neck and remember to protect it. Prop your lower back against a sofa to help support.
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 2. Reclined Twist 
All twists in yoga help to detoxify the body. This one can feel a little uncomfortable but is an amazing stretch to increase flexibility, and the angle will be unforgettable for both of you.
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 3. Happy Baby 
This pose doesn’t really sound sexy by name, but it is as proven by practice! Lie on your back, keeping your tailbone on the floor. Hold on to the outside edges of your feet with your hands and pull your knees back and down towards the floor. It really opens up your hip flexors, and some other stuff.
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4. Inverted Plank 
Taking a wider leg stance than a usual inverted plank, make sure to protect lower back, partner can help out by taking on a low bridge pose. Rest on your forearms if this gets too strenuous.14 Yoga Moves That Also Make Great Sex Positions 4

5. Reclining Bound Angle
Prepare by surrounding yourself with pillows and lying on your back. Open your legs out to the side in a butterfly position. Keep your feet wide so the man can enter in a missionary position. It feels great for the G-spot, and can go on for quite a while.
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6. Chakra Kiss
Place yourself on top with your legs wrapped around your partner’s torso as they are in an easy-seated pose. Wrap your arms wrapped around his shoulders. When you start to breath at together, the build of synchronized sexual energy is magnificent.
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7. Wheel 
Lie facing up on the floor with bent knees and flat fleet on the floor, heels close to the sitting ones. Bend your elbows and spread your palms besides your head on the floor. Keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor with fingers pointing towards the shoulders, and feet pressed into the ground, pushing your tailbone up towards your pubis. Let your head hang. This opens everything up, but is a little hard to hold.
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8. Child’s Pose 
It can be done on the floor, or the bed. Kneel and sit on your heels, with big toes touching, and need separated hip-width. Rest your upper body between your thighs with hands facing up alongside your torso. Your partner can enter you from behind and pull your hips back while you get a nice stretch forward through your arms.
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9. Cobra 
The man can enter you from behind in this position, and it’s a great chest-opener. Lie on your stomach with feet together, and pelvis pressed into the mat. Use your back muscles to then lift your chest of the mat with hands placed alongside your ribs. See how high you can lift your hands off the mat. This is known to increase blood circulation to your sex organs.
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10. Downward Dog
This takes doggy style to the next level. It looks like an upside-down V. Place your hands on the ground, shoulder-width apart, with feet hips-width apart. Drive your energy through your hands by pushing them away from you, and keep your core engaged. Try to keep the spine neutral with heels touching the floor.
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11. Full Straddle Forward Fold
Begin standing and step your feet apart into a wide standing straddle. Fold forward and bring your hands to the floor for support. If you can’t comfortably reach the floor bring your hands to a chair or your bed. This can be a nice posture for oral sex as well. Your partner can enter from behind. Experiment with opening your legs to different widths.
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12. Shoulder Stand 
A great workout for the upper core, it also hits a mind-blowing spot inside of you. Lying on the bed, have him hold on to your legs and lift your bottom off your bed with ankles on his shoulders, as you’re in the pose. It’s a very intimate position that can be done off the edge off the bed, or on his knees.
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13. Chair Pose
This one will fire up your legs and hamstrings particularly – kudos to you guys if you can keep is going for more than 5 minutes. Either of you can straddle on top. It engages your pelvic region by forcing you to lift your pelvic floor – it uses the same muscles Kegel exercises do, and can give you more intense control.
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14. Reclining Pigeon
This will give your IT bands a great stretch and open up your hip flexors. Bend the left leg and put the foot down for support and relax your spine. Try both sides; the angle of penetration is something you can’t go wrong with in this position. Your man can use that right shin as support for himself on top.
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